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Secrets of "cleaning carpet stains" that you do not know

1 Jan 2024
Despite all the efforts we make in cleaning carpet stains, the carpets will become a speechless victim under our shoes and feet.

The main reason is that we are not familiar with the methods of cleaning carpet stains and maintaining them. So it is better to know the secrets of carpet stain cleaning and maintenance.

Moisturize the spots
But do not press them with a cloth or pull the cloth over it. Moisten the stains with a clean cloth, paper towel or sponge dipped in a suitable detergent. The key here is to moisturize. By pressing the stain with the cloth, it can be slightly wet. By shaking the fabric on the stain with pressure, you make the stain sink into the fibers and fabric of the carpet and cause premature destruction of the carpet. Also, this work spreads small stains and makes them bigger.

Removing protein and carbohydrate stains
Wash the stain with soda with a cloth. If you don't, mix some white vinegar with water and spray it on the stain. Spray this solution evenly all over the stain, then let it sit for a few minutes. Then wipe the area with a clean sponge to remove the solution and stain. You may need to do this several times to completely clean both the stain and the carpet.

When the stain is gone, wash the area with warm water. Use your hands to brush the carpet. At the end, put a towel or a clean cloth on the place and put a weight on it to absorb the remaining water in the place and prevent other possible problems. Leave the towels in place for a day.

Use shaving or shaving cream
The best way to remove carpet stains is to use shaving cream. This cream is only effective for color spots. Apply the shaving cream directly on the stain and leave it for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, wipe the area with a clean and dry cloth. Then continue by spraying the vinegar and water solution, then wash the area with warm water and dry it with a clean cloth.

Remove dried gum with ice
You may step on chewing gum on the street, but you won't understand the stickiness and unpleasant appearance of this action until you see it on your carpet. To remove gum from the carpet, you can take two ice cubes from the freezer and place them on the gum for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, use a spoon to lift the softened gum.

Dishwashing liquid vs. oil
The best option for removing oily stains is a drop or two of dishwashing liquid in a cup of water. This liquid does the same to oil stains as it does to grease on dishes. Pour this solution into a bottle and spray it on the oil stains. Then clean it with a clean cloth.

Heat the candle spots
You may light a candle and its melted paraffin will fall on the carpet and dry and stick to the texture of the carpet. To clean these stains, you can put a clean white cloth on it. Pull the iron on it to heat it up, finally collect it from the carpet with the help of a knife.

Use hydrogen peroxide to save the carpet
If there are blood stains on the carpet, you can use hydrogen peroxide to clean these stains. First, moisten the area with a solution of water and a mild detergent, then use hydrogen peroxide to remove the stain. Then dry the area with a towel.

Candy stuck to the carpet
First try to remove it using a knife. Then clean the area using a sponge with a mild soap and water solution.