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The best machine made silk carpet

Silk carpets are in the category of luxury and expensive products, that's why you should have complete information about them, so stay with us with the silk carpet buying guide article.

Matching the lacquered carpet with decoration

In psychology, red color represents strength, glory and self-confidence. In the past, in addition to carpets, red color was also used for the luxurious clothes of nobles and elders.

What are the dimensions of different carpets?

In this article, we tried to talk about the dimensions of machine-made carpets in different production companies. So if you want to know the exact size of machine carpets, stay with us.

What is the Colaris carpet? Review of Claris carpet types

Farsh Mohtsham Company is the first producer of Claris carpet in the world, which was able to take the first word in the world by producing various products in this field. Mohtsham rooted carpet

Round machine carpet in home decoration

The effect of gray carpet in home decoration

Is a 9-meter carpet better or a 12-meter carpet?

Is it better to wash carpets at home or carpet cleaning?

Washing the carpet is a necessary thing for every house, so if you want to have a clean carpet, be sure to stay with us in this article. Farsh Mohtsham Co

A complete guide to removing ink stains

To remove the ink stain from the carpet, you can use different solutions such as vinegar, salt, yogurt, etc. and you will be surprised by the result. Stay with us.

Secrets of "cleaning carpet stains" that you do not know

Despite all the efforts we make in the field of carpet stain removal, the carpets will become a speechless victim under our shoes and feet. The main reason is that we are not familiar with the methods of cleaning carpet stains and maintaining them. So it is better to know the secrets of carpet stain cleaning and maintenance.

Principles of car carpet care

To maintain the carpet, you must be aware of its different methods. You can visit Farsh Mohtsham site for more information about these items.

Methods to remove carpet burn

It often happens that part of the carpets in the house are burnt due to carelessness. In this article, you will learn about tricks to eliminate all types of carpet burns.